~ Legends of the Force ~
Dramatis Personae

Kelin T. Hiraeth,
Factotum Master
Innocence abounds, captured in the wake of exquisitely chiseled features. She possesses a refreshing quality and life seems to flow through her like a torrent of fire. Always the observer, she tends to watch rather than partake, calculating while listening; thus collectively utilizing shreds of information. Most people generally categorize her quiet manner as being arrogant or aloof -a misconception she secretly adores. Always maintaining a sense of calm and control, she is capable of sustaining disinterest even in the most grievous situations. Few have witnessed her temper. To provoke as much is a task hard to accomplish for she firmly believes what goes around comes around ... be it by fate or her own hand. Often times she will offer a warm smile and a compassionate word, yet kindness should never be mistaken for weakness for strong are the barriers that surround her dubious domain.
Bewitching the awareness that speaks of many sorrows and triumphs. Angelic features predominate
a non-defective yet strikingly human semblance. A visage embraced by profuse wisps of deepest sable, rapturous shades of ebony luster whose damp cling splashes over slender set shoulders to rest upon a salient frame of pantherine grace. Exotic the rise of cheekbones that paint the smooth slope of her jaw, even the curve of her lips. Narrow ribcage and small waist emphasizing the fullness of her bosom; skin flawless. The breeze only adds to the bewitching guise, tugging at her long silken hair so that it shifts about her like a veil, one moment hiding the temptation of her, the next revealing it. Small, delicate bones mark her classically beautiful, though feminine curves lie tamed within inconspicuous civilian garb, while allowing a glimpse of effortless elegance to the casual observer.

Cibus Auctor
Sporadic in disposition, it is a rare thing indeed to fully grasp what it is that dwells within the depths of this one's being. From hot to cold, day to night, he walks the fine line between enlightenment and sanity, with the cautious ease of a sinner preaching the gospel. Graced with the diplomat's smile, he is more then learned in the methods of manipulation; inviting the weak of mind into the swirling madness that his day to day life, brooking chaos with the gentle ease of a mother's guiding hand. Ever a sophist, this charismatic enigma of a Force Adept is a numinous presence in the barren wasteland known as Tatooine. Free-flowing locks of honeyed mane matriculate down the rugged masque of stoic perfection that was this one's face, cruel orbs of cunning amber striking out from beneath that veil of raven filaments. Clad in crude garb of an obscure desert dweller, he carries himself with an austere aura of dignified nobility in every aspect of the word; from the meticulous raiment which enraptures his statuesque personage to the learned manner in which rarely uttered, emotionless tones of soft-spoken tenor meandered past sanguine lips.

Muriel Kestra Y'ar
Darth Xun
Illusion Mastery
(with Apprentice Marius Therion)
Veiled serenity masking the thorn presence of a killer, she remains stoic in all circumstances. None have pierced her calm facade except her wanton victims, and they never live to tell the tale. Silent and watchful, this masked flower will hide her secrets while penetrating yours as easily as an arrow to the heart. Still waters run deep, and her cunning and evil methods are not to be taken lightly. Death approaches, her, surrounds her and finally surrenders to her - all the while the core of her remains untouched. Always dressed in atramentous, snugly fitting attire, preferably leather and satin, a true indulgence to the touch. Thick and luxurious fiery auburn mane is often captured within an exotic, intricately woven braid; its clandestine, ornamental pins encrusted with arcane jewels. Thin and delicate in appearance, her strength not wanting, she stands a mere 5'6". Her eyes remain downcast often, not from submission, but to protect, as frozen within her bright green orbs, lies an oasis never reached.
A phantom warrior, Muriel carries within a soul of the ancients infused within her from the vile rituals of her procreation and birth. Still, she is the quintessence of royal elegance, maintaining regal demeanor even up until the moment you die by her hand. Enigma, and perhaps an epiphany to some, the mystery is almost as mesmerizing as her prominent beauty. Raven black tresses cascade along her back and linger right above her knees. Skin is milky white, bordering on translucent as if pure alabaster. Mesmerizing swirls of malachite gloss and blazing crimson tones mingle to hue lucid orbs; thus hiding the enigma of a soul borne of Fate's Infernal seed and driven by Destiny's beckon call. This umbra wears only the finest attire allowing freedom of movement and precision of control. Gestures of lethal efficacy are always fluid, graceful and each more intoxicating than the last.

Validus Auctor
Force Adept
He was raised not pampered but often appeared over indulged, as is revealed in moments of pique if chastised or denied. His temper is quick and he struggles to restrain himself, knowing that it does not become him to be so undisciplined. He is cold, methodical and usually quiet, allowing all to think he is shy or reserved until he chooses to show his true colors. Should he ever betray even a hint of a smile, you can bet that behind those captivating hazelnut orbs he is already plotting your downfall. Always impeccably attired in a desert hermit's garb, this 6'1" man has wavy, fiery auburn hair that drapes the nape of his neck in a loosely tied pony tail, haunting brown occulars and is always adorned with various weaponry , as befits someone of his beliefs.
The quintessential paradox. He struggles to remain in control, often times employing multiple theories to the noble aim of being the last man standing. He strives to remain faithful to his own truths, regardless of the impact on those who happen to wish him silenced. The idea of being honest in all things had been driven into him and proved to be extremely useful in tight circumstances. The underlying passions were undeniable, too ingrained within him to be more than momentarily phased. He felt others, and not even the monstrous change had diminished the impact of that gift. Scrutinizing glare spoke volumes, expression glinting in startling gems, as they claimed your attention.

Darth Vorn
Collective in thought, administered savvy tactics are always remotely mind driven on natural born instincts. Perseverance perpetually holds reservation amongst aged noble lineage. Exasperation rarely becomes visible in raw display. Furtive contentment always mirrors his obscured facade. Danger shows no limits behind a political, craftsmanship smile which lures unwanted solicitors inside.. Imperial daylight-inspired reflections prudently blend in with nocturnal seclusion. Seven cornrow silver color braids uniquely define method of chosen hairstyle, on occasion its released and free flowing exuberant follicles become unshackled. Translucent eyes of speckled crimson penetrate through the condemned ignorance of others; insouciant electric burning hues regularly discharge virile obsession. Boasting a statuesque 6'7" in height and fueling weight of 248 lbs, seemingly ancient charcoal-hued robes masquerade armed mischief. Sporadically, ancient crimson robes containing gold stitch etchings on each loose-end are prominently worn. Composed and dignified, he attempts to maintain the high standard of a gentleman and scholar amidst the waking inferno of his self-imposed Sheol. Throughout centuries, he remains the inseminate quasi Father.. the rest ...his effulgent children.
"Nullum magnum ingenium sine mixtura dementiae fuit."
There has not been any great talent without an element of madness.

Corran Kabak
Jedi Knight
As a virtual unknown, Coran Kabak is a Corellian Jedi, more than adequately versed in the Jedi arts. His colorful ancestry has granted him many boasts, most notably a generous nature and a hapless grin which often gets him places few others could lay a claim to. Always clandestine in purpose and dubious in intent, this arcane Force Adept tries to disspell any doubts about him with a kind word and an offer of a helping hand. Last seen on the barren desert wasteland of Tatooine, Corran has devoted his life to a quest of Force Enlightenment and has been actively pursuing a hermit's desolate life ever since that fateful decision was made. Calm and warm in demeanor, this Jedi Knight suffers no need of human company, content merely with the ability to immerse himself in the ancient truths of the Force and having a place to lay his head at night. Never one to pursue his own hapiness, he seeks instead to live his life to the betterment of the lot of others, with the Force as his guiding light. As a rule, he prefers to take the road "less traveled," whenever a choice presents itself. Of medium height and of a well-toned physique, this Jedi Knight lacks neither attractive looks or impressive height. Blessed with a countenace of finely chiseled lines and high cheekbones, his is a visage of rugged, profound melancholy. Deep mahogany orbs of untold depth serve as his visual companions, overall simulacrum framed by a closely cropped mane of thick hair, bleached by twin scorching, Tatooine suns. His tastes are simple and indiscriminate, as foretold by the cut and make of his beige Jedi robes, often covered by an oversized, hooded wrap of his brownish cloak. Knee-high, heeled Bantha hide boots drape his feet and calves, aiding in locomotion around the sparsely populated, barren wasteland. At his side is a Jedi's faithful weapon; a classical, uniquely crafted cylindrical tool otherwise known as a Lightsaber. A firm believer in peace, Corran uses the lightsaber only as a last resort and always for defense - never for attack.

Quima'ar Kelg
"The Smuggler"
Of an unknown species and origin, this enigmatic mercenary gone smuggler is a hard target to track, by friends and foes, alike. Preferring the cold vestiges of space to the warmth of a permanent home, Quima'ar travels the Galaxy with his constant and only companion, a modified YT-2400 Corellian Freighter transport. Often employed by shady characters, he is called upon to carry out their dubious intents, no matter the cost to himself. Kelg thrives on excitement and adrenaline, lending a hand to anyone with similar desires. An expert pilot and trained killer, he has no equal among those who would seek to thwart his plans or livelyhood. Always armed and dangerous, his is an outward demeanor of boorish arrogance, ready to send an unsavory kill bolt into anyone who fails to amuse his extant fancy.
Dark and handsome, two words that instantly come to mind when glancing upon this towering man, though few and far between have had the dubious pleasure of having seen his face. Helmeted and armored, would be a more precise description for this walking weapons' arsenal whose mere appearance suggests a warning to the foolhardy and the unsuspecting. Though cold and unbending on the outside, Quima'ar is capable of much more, yet it is buried deep within, perhaps never to be unearthed. There is a madness in those dark eyes that threaten to unleash the demons chained within, thus they remain closely guarded.. awaiting that coveted day of reckoning when they will claim their retribution.

Xenos Y'iv
Meditative Master
As a native of Yavin IV, Xenos Yi'v had spent most of his life in relative isolation from other worlds, his worldly pursuits concentrating upon achieving total harmony with the numinous fabric of the living Force. As the young Xenos had been impetuous and relentless, the old Jedi Master had grown patient and reflective. A dark secret is harbored within that seemingly gentle spirit; one never to be voluntarily revealed for the sake of renewed shame and untold anguish. Having taken a padawan learner in the latter half of his life, Xenos had at last forgiven himself for past errors made, hoping to make amends by training young Kelin Hiraeth in the ways he had come to live by and cherish. A true champion of peace and justice, Master Y'iv embraces his destiny wholeheartedly and without hesitation. Unfortunately, his current whereabouts remain a mystery, as he had vanished from his native Yavin IV shortly after his protege had left for the barren wastelands of Tatooine, in pursuit of her own kismet.
Statuesque and broad of physique, his physical prowess and combat abilities are legendary. To the chagrin of many, Xenos prefers to devote most of his time to study and contemplation, relishing daily meditation above any physical skills already mastered or yet waiting to be attained. Though he is a master of the Lightsaber arts, Xenos Y'iv chooses to wield his tongue instead, his preference of diplomacy over brute strength clearly apparent in any endeavor that tempts both strength and pride. Draped in a light olive green tunic and atramentous pants, his only ornament is an unusual leather vest, studded with bronze incrusted inserts. Long raven hair flows to his shoulders, offset by a pair of pale grey occulars.

Murron D'elan
Shadowy world of Emberlene had been Murron D'elan's cradle since her birth some twenty six years ago. Judge her not by her slight build and waif-like appearance, for this Shadow Mistryl is a warrior of lethal efficacy and superior intelligence. Not necessarily a diplomat, she still has the uncanny ability to swerve the unsuspecting and the underestimating - her way. Usually garbed in simple, inconspicuous civilian clothing, Murron keeps a low profile in everything but her prized utility belt. Always armed with a DL-44 heavy blaster pistol and defended with a MK-45 Coromodian blaster vest, she appears to be ready for anything and is always poised to do her part. Lately, that "part" consists of being the co-pilot of her partner's modified freighter, a YT-1300 series known as the "Firehawk". Her co-pilot, an enigmatic, dark personage of several dubious talents, has nothing but high praise for the Mistryl Shadow Hunter. She, on the other hand, finds Quima'ar Kelg an amusing, able pilot, friend and partner.
In terms of outward demeanor, Murron D'elan is a classic beauty, though she'd never care to admit it. In fact, she is quite ready to ignore any remarks on her looks, that is, if she doesn't beat it out of the poor culprit first. Strikingly tall and slender, her statuesque frame is carried with pride and elegance. A waist-long cascade of honeyed mane drapes her back, framing an austere facade with a gentle fall of luxurious, wavy tendrils. Possessing a fine pair of very dark, lush brown eyes, she peruses everything about her with unswerving scrutiny; always wary, always awake. Some doubt whether she ever sleeps, as affirmed hotly by her own partner in crime, Quima'ar Kelg. Though she says very little and often appears indifferent to what is going on around her, the Mistryl's ever-watchful eyes and ever-keen ears never cease to maintain accute awareness of everything that is going on. As a friend, she is a calm and helpful comrade, steadfast in loyalty and generous in spirit. As an enemy, she is a deadly umbra of certain doom, unmerciful to the wicked and irrevocably steadfast in carrying out their punishment.

Kael Xindar
One name - many faces. He was the epitome of having done it all: mercenary, soldier, renegade. Taut muscle and foreboding silence told a strange tale of a man who feared nothing, spoke little and knew more than most he came in contact with. Long and flowing mane of dark mahogany flogged his back, often tame within the confines of a leather-bound lace. Dark orbs of ebony abyss dipped in chocolate seemed almost unfathomable, staring unfailingly at everything that caught his extant fancy. Nothing seemed to escape his attention. Of particular attention was his uncanny devotion to detail, especially where mechanical or electronic things were concerned. A walking technical manual, he possessed the ability to fix and modify anything a sentient mind could concoct. Military prowess once an amusing hobby, now proved itself a valuable asset as he traversed the Galaxy with clandestine purposes in mind. A sworn bachelor, he never gave settling down a second thought, though meeting Murron D'elan could very well have changed his stubborn mind.
As an ex-military operative, Kael has an inbred sense of precise control and an appreciation for structure. Equipped with precious lessons of tactics and survival he is cunning and industrious, a man not to trifle with. Never one to loosen his guard, Xindar has never allowed himself to fall prey to another. Many have paid a terrible price for unleashing the demons that raged within; those who chose to tempt fate, discovered their error only when embracing the costly vestiges of afterlife. Now a vagabond mercenary, Kael Xindar spends his days traveling the vast reaches of space in search of adventures worthy of his mettle. As these are becoming few and far between, he can often be spotted fraternizing with anyone willing to buy him a round of drinks or amuse him with a tale worthy of his attention.

Markas Trident
Force Adept
Unearthly beauty lent itself handsomely to the exquisite features of this boy. Perhaps no longer a boy, but barely a man in his own right, Markas Trident had not anticipated on abandoning a life of wealth and pleasure for one of simplicity and discipline. Born an only son to wealthy diplomats on Coruscant, the boy grew up being the apple of his parents' eyes, doted upon by servants and attending the best educational institutions Coruscant had to offer. Barely out of his teens, his path crosed with that of a young Jedi Knight, and an instant rapport blossomed into a tender friendship. Though a junior of Kelin Hiraeth by several years, the youth already possessed a brilliant mind that rivaled many in the Old Republic Senate.
His strength in the Force drew the boy closer to his befriended confidante, who sought only to seek his happiness. His acceptance into the Jedi Academy confirmed, Markas fled Coruscant with Kelin, to the great dismay of his family. Many months passed before they finally accepted their son's decision, but even they could not be more proud that their flesh and bone would be given the chance to become a great Jedi Knight. As young Trident arrived on Yavin IV and took up his studies shortly thereafter, no one could have foreseen the dark fate that would claim his future. Tall and slender, the fair-haired, blue-eyed youth wasted no time in devoting himself to the study of the Force.. and subsequently, his Master. Though Kelin suspected a hidden wealth of feelings, she did not see the truth of it until it was too late.
Pain and anguish that often comes with a confession of a love unrequited drove Markas Trident from Yavin IV, never to return to complete his training. Settling in the remote wasteland of Tatooine, he sought to bury every trace of his existence, afraid of his Master's pursuit. But their paths would cross again, and ultimately, Markas would have to make a choice between his own destiny and a loved one's life.
Now no longer a pupil but a master unto himself, he skulks about the wastelands in the guise of a moisture farmer. Upon a rare occasion, he can be spotted in either of the spaceports, though he seeks no company nor does he wish to leave his newfound home. It is only a reminder to him that humanity still exists, and at times he needs to quench the yearning to be a part of it again. A desolate angel of dark fate, he can be a messenger of doom to anyone who dares to trespass upon anything he still holds dear.
